fly rod single foot guide set,
finish,hard chrome,black,tigrey and golden
1 x hook keeper
2 x stripping guides
1 x fly top
8 x single foot guides
we supply
half wells cork grips
full wells cork grips
cigar cork grips
cork butt
spey rod handle and butt
switch rod grip and butt
torpedo cork grip
finwick cork grip
ritz cork grip
our rod building materials
carbon fly rod blanks
fiberglass fly rod blanks
tonkin bamboo fly rod blanks
reel seat
cork grips and butt
winding check
hook keeper,stripping guide,snake guide,single foot guide and fly top
rod socks
aluminium rod tube,cordura case and carbon fly rod tube
We have been making fishing rods since 2007.Our rod engineer is from South Korea whom has more than 30-year working experience in fishing rods;and carbon fibers are from South Korea too,provide best cast fly rods and fishing experience.we also make custom rods.
our products
tonkin bamboo fly rod
freshwater fly rod
saltwater fly rod
switch fly rod
spey fly rod
tenkara fly rod
fiberglass fly rod